Irrigation Schedule for Village of Manorhaven Residents – Click HERE to view it. *Please note: the PDF states the incorrect time. The correct hours of irrigation for the Village of Manorhaven is 10:00 pm – 12:00 am.
Irrigation Schedule for Village of Manorhaven Residents
We ask all residents to adhere to the lawn watering ordinances that help us to conserve water usage. For our Village, these include:
- Only allowed to water between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.
- Even house numbers water on even dates
- Odd house numbers water on odd dates
- Premises without numbered addresses may water on even dates
- No watering on the 31st of any month
- Restrict irrigation to 15 minutes per area with a maximum watering of two hours
Additional Conservation Tips
- Check for leaks at your hoses, sinks and toilets, or with broken sprinkler heads that wastewater unnecessarily
- Run dishwashers and washing machines only when full
- Buy energy-efficient appliances and consider replacing any toilet bowl that is more than 10 years old
- Keep fire hydrants clear of plants and shrubbery and be sure to report any leaks or signs of disrepair on a hydrant
For more on irrigation requirements and conservation from the Port Washington Water District click here