

Monday and Thursday:

All of Manhasset Isle including Tom’s Point, Manorhaven Blvd. including businesses and apartments from Sands Point Road to Firwood, Ashwood through Edgewood Road, including Sands Point Road and Cambridge Avenue from Sands Point to Firwood and Ford Place; South Orchard Beach area including Linwood South, Marwood South, Kaywood, Norwood South, Oldwood South, West Drive, Arcadia, and Orchard Beach Blvd.

Tuesday and Friday:

Firwood through Kirkwood, including Cambridge Avenue from Firwood through Kirkwood, Linwood North, Marwood North, Cornwell’s Lane, Dunes Lane, and Cornwall, Manorhaven Blvd. including businesses and apartments from Firwood to Oldwood.

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: No pick-up on the following days. On legal holidays, trash will be picked up the following day. Garbage may not be placed at the curb earlier than 5 p.m. on the night before a pick-up day and must be put away by midnight the day of pick-up to avoid a ticket.









If the regular garbage collection schedule does not meet your needs, you can dispose of waste at the Solid Waste Management Authority, run by the Town of North Hempstead.

North Hempstead offers the opportunity to properly dispose of recyclable and non-hazardous waste. Electronic waste, batteries, compact fluorescent bulbs, and other recyclable items can be returned at STOP or E-Waste eventsClick here to download the PDF.

For non-hazardous waste, such as general refuse, residentially generated construction, demolition debris, and yard waste, there is a minimum charge of $5.00 (includes 100 lb. disposals, $1.00 per each additional 20 lbs.). Tires need to be returned to the place of purchase and cannot be placed at the curb for normal garbage pickup.

PAYMENTS ARE CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS ONLY. Proof of residency is required. Commercial vehicles are not allowed.

Open: Sunday from 7:30am to 2:30pm at 999 West Shore Rd. in Roslyn. Please bring proof of residency!

Garbage, Rubbish, Trash, and Recycling Regulations Summary

Garbage Collection: Collection may begin as early as 6 am on the scheduled pick-up day and may end as late as 4:00 pm that day.

  • Please place trash receptacles on curbs after 5:00 p.m. the day before a pick-up or early the morning of a pick-up.
  • Receptacles must be put away by midnight on the night of pick-up to avoid a ticket.
  • Loose plastic garbage bags of trash left outside of containers will not be picked up and you will receive a ticket.

Number of trash containers per household unit:
Please place regular garbage, rubbish, and trash in up to 32 gallon, watertight, metal, or plastic containers with a lid.

One Family Home: Up to 3 trash receptacles
Two Family Home: Up to 3 trash receptacles per unit

Recyclables: Glass, metal, and plastic should be placed at the curb in recycle bins with lids on regular pick-up days. Recycle bins may be purchased at Village Hall for $37. Recycle bins or cans should be blue in color . Bundled paper should be placed next to recycle bins. Cardboard should be flattened and bundled.

Yard Waste: Yard waste is every Wednesday excluding holidays from the first Wednesday in April through the last Wednesday in December. Effective July 1, 2022 – use paper bags/clear plastic bags (max. 6) or barrels (max. 3) for loose grass or leaves; twigs/branches must be tied in manageable bundles. Christmas trees only may be placed at the curb on the first two Wednesdays in January.

Construction Material: No construction materials or hazardous waste is permitted (toilets, sinks, lumber, cabinets, tires, paint, or chemicals).

Bulk Pick-Ups:  All large items MUST BE called into Meadow Carting at 516-338-0121 for a pick-up date (normally Thurs. and Fri.).

Electronic Items: No electronics may be disposed of with regular garbage on ANY pick-up day. Click on link for Town of North Hempstead S.T.O.P. events.

Dumpsters: Residents must apply to the Village Building Department for a dumpster permit and obtain regulations for usage.